🎉 Relive Air Flow’s 20th anniversary event on video! 🎉

An exceptional evening, plenty of smiles and a shared joy with all the guests. Watch the clip of the evening and enjoy the festive atmosphere of the anniversary. Discover the highlights and the many happy faces that made this evening such a success. 🎂✨🥂 Play the video to immerse yourself in the magic of the … Read more

Thursday 20th June, Air Flow celebrates it’s 20 years anniversary in style !

Air Flow chose Hotel de Caumont in Aix-en Provence to celebrate this anniversary. Bringing together staff from their international bases and offices (Antwerp, Houston, Algeciras, Singapore) and all the staff from their head office in Rousset with historical partners: investors, financial institutions and industrial partners, over 200 people who have contributed to this success that … Read more

Today Air Flow celebrates their 20th anniversary.

For now 20 years, Air Flow is a leader of French industry at the forefront of gas transport & logistics offering an innovative & reliable solution around the world. Today we are proud to celebrate 20 years of undeflected commitment towards operational excellence, safety and customer service. We will celebrate throughout the year with several … Read more

Air Flow rejoint le Club Excellence de la BPI !

Nous sommes extrêmement honorés et fiers d’annoncer qu’Air flow a été sélectionné par la Banque Publique d’Investissement (BPI) pour faire partie du prestigieux Club Excellence. Parmi 200 000 entreprises, seulement 2000 ont été choisies, et nous sommes ravis de figurer parmi elles. Cette reconnaissance est le fruit du dévouement et de l’engagement exceptionnels de notre équipe, ainsi … Read more

RSE, un objectif d’Air Flow sur le temps long !

Le travail effectué par le groupe Air Flow a été reconnu en fin d’année par Ecovadis qui nous a octroyé la médaille de bronze pour les mesures et les efforts accomplis pour avoir un impact positif sur nos opérations. Leur évaluation porte sur les politiques et impacts en matière de développement durable ce qui comprend l’environnement, … Read more

Great success in Bremen !

Our recent participation at this year’s #Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe was a success with our T4 Hydrogen Iso Tube container taking centre stage. A great number of visitors discussed their current and upcoming hydrogen logistics requirements.Mark Pett-Ridge, #AirFlow Project Manager: “our container raised a lot of curiosity and we were delighted to showcase our T4 … Read more

What is green Hydrogen?

One of the outcomes of COP26 is to raise the decarbonisation targets. This is an opportunity for Green Hydrogen to contribute to the decarbonisation in land, sea & air freight and heavy industry.Green hydrogen offers a potential clean energy solution, is produced by splitting water into hydrogen & oxygen using renewable electricity therefore minimising Carbon … Read more

Sales Manager

Your job is “Sales Manager” and you want to take the next step? “Come on, hit the gas with us !” Scope : « North Europe : Benelux, Scandinavia, Germany » AIRFLOW is recruiting a Regional Sales Manager in order to support and reinforce its development in Northern Europe. Required profile : So, Come on! Your missions will be … Read more