Air Flow received the VIE award

Air Flow received the VIE award at the Export Trophy Awards, organised by Business France.

Represented by Sandrine Viala, Head of HR and Claire Berry, HR Manager, Air Flow was awarded the trophy during the Team France Meeting Days held at Nice Chamber of Commerce.

Team France’s Meeting Days is a unique event for companies based in the South of France to develop the international presence or look for new markets and exchange with experts from around the world (Business France, Legal firms, accountancy companies, banks, transport companies, Chamber of commerce, Customs, IP consultants, BPI France,…)

Air Flow recruits VIE since 2011, offering opportunities in Belgium, Spain, Singapore and in the USA. The vast majority of these interns remain at Air Flow with full employment contracts.
A big thanks goes out to those who recognise Air flow’s commitment toward young people.
VIE is a French International Internship program. An opportunity for young people to experience working abroad between 6 & 24 months and start their professional careers. VIE is a French International Internship program. An opportunity for young people to experience working abroad between 6 & 24 months and start their professional careers.
Sandrine Viala

🏆 the “V.I.E. Fidélité Prize” is presented by Frédérique Lefèvre alongside Loïc Bonnardel.
A company supported by Céline GERACI.