Blu. Signs One-year Rental Contract of Air Flow LNG Trailer

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Blu. utilizes Air Flow LNG Trailer technology to improve distribution and transportation of LNG to nationwide station network
SALT LAKE CITY (August 13, 2014) – Blu. has leveraged the LNG trailer rental program available through Air Flow North America Corp. to improve the efficiency and economic impact of LNG transportation to its Rocky Mountain regional network of LNG fueling stations.
Blu. has contracted to utilize the cryogenic rental trailer for one-year from mid 2014 to mid 2015.
“We’re constantly looking for ways to bring down various costs in the LNG supply chain,” Blu. CEO Merritt Norton said. “By renting this LNG trailer through Air Flow are able to bring down our logistics costs and pass those savings on to the fleets fueling at our stations.”
The tanker is 48 feet long and holds roughly 39,000 pounds of fuel (just under 11,000 LNG gallons), which is kept at cryogenic temperatures through advanced technology in the tank’s design. The tanker is operated by Blu.’s LNG logistics team, and is able to quickly attach to on-loading and off-loading facilities with one technician. In addition, the tank is monitored remotely by the Blu. Network Operations Center (NOC), which provides 24-hour monitoring and operational services to Blu.’s 24 fueling stations.
Blu. owns and operates its own fleet of transportation tankers and tractors. This allows the company to control the cost, safety and security of the product, as well as react quickly to market demand and ensure that stations are always full of fuel and able to meet customer needs.
About Blu.
Blu. is dedicated to building the infrastructure and enabling technology to drive energy independence in the United States. Liquefied Natural Gas is a clean, abundant and low-cost alternative to diesel that can scale to meet our country’s energy needs far into the future. Blu. operates 24 LNG fueling locations, and provides total customer solutions for natural gas applications in the trucking, mining, marine, rail and industrial industries. For more information, visit